Mary Schaefer (she/her)HR expertise. Coach. Helping you navigate work.

I coach managers and employees on building skills in interpersonal interactions and career change. I support job seekers. I'm a certified HR professional, a coach and hold a Master's degree in HR. Pro-human workplace advocate. Former columnist at, TEDx talker. Co-author of "The Character-Based Leader." My mission is to create work cultures where your organization and human beings both thrive.

Recent Answers

I'm in agreement with all the answers so far. I would add that having just read, "Delivering Happiness" by Zappos founder and CEO Tony Hsieh, I'm reminded that having a clear company culture and hiring for culture fit is imperative. As a former HR manger, I saw how inattention to this impacted turnover and organization success over and over. I would be glad to talk over how you have established company values and are realizing those to support the success of your business, and retention.

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